Friday, June 21, 2013

Preparing the greens for Fumigation

Preparing the greens for Fumigation

Preparing the greens for fumigation is an arduous process.  Rain was in the area during the first part of the week and impacted things quite a bit.  Despite the rain, we were able to keep things on schedule by working as late as possible.  All of us are pretty worn out but the end result will be well worth it.  All of us are really excited about the future of the club!

Heavy verticutting was performed to remove the thatch layer from the old surface.  This allows the Bermuda to tack into the greens at a much faster rate.  All of the old turf is not removed so that the organic matter in the green can be used to help retain moisture and keep the sprigs wet.

Spraying the Greens for our MiniVerde conversion

Spraying the greens for our MiniVerde conversion

I'm sorry it has taken so long to post these pics but we have been diligently working to prepare the greens for our conversion.  On June 10th we sprayed the greens with a combination of Roundup (kills everything) and Fusilade II (kills bermuda). After the greens were sprayed we waited a week and then started the process of removing the dead bentgrass and preparing the greens for Fumigation.