Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November News

November Course News

We have been very busy preparing the course for the upcoming winter months.  Winterizer fertilizer has to be applied to all of the Bermuda grass in the fairways and rough.  This will ensure a great transition going into the spring. 

As you drive through the course, you will notice many trees that have been marked for removal.  They have either been painted with an "X" or a ribbon tied around them.  We marked these dead trees during the growing season so we could identify them clearly during dormancy.  These trees are ones that our staff can remove during the winter or mornings we have frost.  It may take us some time but we will get them all down.

Throughout the course,  we will be limbing up all of the trees that either come into play or impede our maintenance pratices.  Over the years the course landscaping has grown substantially.  It is our plan to improve views of the holes from the tees and approaches to the greens throughout the course.

In other course related news, Paige, our goose dog, is back from her training session in Virginia.  She is back to chasing geese and seems very happy to be back at home.  Her golf ball obsession has been diverted and she is doing extremely well now.  If you see her on the course be sure to stop and give her a pat on the back.  She loves the attention.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at wesley.michielsen@ourclub.com

Hope to see you all on the course

Wesley Michielsen
Golf Course Superintendent

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