Friday, April 27, 2012

What are all the brown places in the fairways?

Each year we aerify the golf course fairways. Most years we wait until July to perform this task but with the extreme temps and lack of rain throughout the early part of the year, we made the decision to go early. Compaction of the fairways is a battle we face due to the cart traffic the golf hole receives. In essence, our aerator slices the fairway to reduce compaction and allow for better water infiltration through the clay soil profile.

The slicer cuts through the Bermuda and penetrates to a level of about 6 inches. During the day these "slits" will dry out and the turf will turn brown at the point of entry. In years past we haven't seen this trend due to the quick recovery time in July.

We thought we were finished with cool temps when we performed this task. The week after aeration, our area was hit with temps in the 30's and the fairway growth slowed dramatically. Temps are back on the rise and fertilizer will go down Monday to speed the recovery process along.

#5 Gold tee sod

You will notice #5 Gold tee is half new sod and half existing turf.  This was a planned decision based on the fact that the right half of the tee was in good health.  This will also allow us to utilize this existing turf through the transition phase of  growing in the tees again.  Players will rotate between this space and the players tee once the sod roots and requires less water.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sod Work: Week of April 23rd

This week, we are sodding the Blue and Gold tees on number 16 and number 5 tee complexes.  The tees at number 16 will be sodded with Zeon Zoysia.  Zeon is the most shade tolerant Zoysia on the market.  As you can see from the above photo, the shade on the Blue and Gold tee at #16, during mid day, has always posed a problem for this complex.  We began removing the old sod Monday and will be laying the new sod on Thursday.  The tees at number 5 will be sodded with 419 Bemuda and both tee complexes will be open soon for play.

Heavy Winds and Frost April 24th

 What a crazy year for weather.  Near 90 degrees in early March and now heavy winds, 36 degrees, and frost in low areas during late April!  This tree fell on Monday afternoon directly behind #4 green due to the high winds and lack of spring rain.  It could not have fallen in a more perfect place.  Just between the green and cartpath!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Course Snakes

Just a reminder that snakes are out already this year.  The prominent species on the course is the common water snake.  These snakes are usually mistaken for copperheads.  Common Water Snakes are non venomous yet are agitated easily and will defend themselves.  If you see one, just step aside.  As you can see from the picture, its most likely just looking for lunch.

Tee Update

Most of you know about the lightning strike that damaged our irrigation system. With new control panels, purchased and installed, the tees are recovering rapidly and look better everyday.

The exception to this is number 5 tee.  This past fall, due to the amount of play the tee receives and its small size, the Bermuda on number five was thin when we overseeded the tees. As the ryegrass checked out the Bermuda base wasn't as established as prior years.  We will be sodding the Blue and Gold tee this week in order to re-establish the Bermuda.

At this same time, we will be leveling and sodding the Blue and Gold tee on number 16 with a new shade tolerant Zoysia.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Welcome to our blog.  Despite some early problems with the site we are back up and running.  Thank you for your patience as we work toward re-posting the last few updates that were lost.  Over the course of the next few days we will reprint these postings.

 This blog is to serve as an informational stopping place for our members and guests to view past, present, and future projects and news about our course.

The blog will be updated weekly with pictures, course maintenance schedules, and general news from our department.

We appreciate you stopping by and please subscribe to the page so you can stay connected to us!

Thank you,

Wesley Michielsen
Golf Course Superintendent
We are experiencing some difficulty viewing past blog posts to the site.  Please bear with us as we work to correct the problem.