Thursday, July 18, 2013

Greens Renovation Update


      Now that we have started receiving sunshine during the day, the sprigs are taking off and looking great.  While during the heavy rain events, we applied a heavy amount of sand,  the sprigs are moving through the sand and establishing themselves very well.   We began mowing the new greens today and we will continue to push the greens through the next few weeks by lowering the heights, continuous rolling, and heavy fertilization.  Pike Creek Turf (MiniVerde supplier) and our team of agronomists are very pleased with the amount of growth on the greens.  We are on track to have great greens come September 1st!

First mowing at 6am this morning. 

Two weeks after sprigging. What a huge difference!

Rolling the greens after sprigging

Rain, Rain, and more Rain

During our sprigging and grow in of the new greens we have received an unprecedented amount of rain.  There are many more pics like the ones below and the repair work was extensive.  All is good now and the greens are growing in very well!
Here is a pic of number 8 green after the rains, in the early part of the month, two days after sprigging.