Thursday, February 21, 2013

Clubhouse Parking Lot

      Before and During

  After the application
We are in the process of re-striping the clubhouse parking lot spaces.  The painting will be completed over the course of the next few weeks since the parking lot has to be empty in order for us to perform the work.  Mondays are the best days for us to accomplish this.  

Bunker Rake Renovation

Another one of our projects this winter was to renovate our bunker rakes.  We found a high quality, shrink wrap material that is UV resistant.  This material will eliminate the problem we experienced with the bunker rakes exposing their fiberglass lining.  The Shrink Wrap is a great solution and will  keep the bunker rakes looking great for years to come.

Water Coolers

We are almost complete with our water cooler renovation.  We only have a few left on the front nine of the golf course.  Our talented staff is completely tearing down the old stands, replacing the wood, and adding the stone inserts ourselves.  We think they have turned out great!